How to add Backlog issues via email

Allow Backlog issues to be automatically added using information from emails sent to addresses on your authorized email list. For example, forward submitted contact forms on your website to an authorized email to automatically create Backlog issues.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to:

  • Add authorized emails
  • Manage authorized emails
  • Track received emails

Add authorized emails

Admins and project admins can authorize select emails to be able to add issues via email. To add an email to your authorized list:

  • Go to project settings.
  • Select “Integrations” from the menu on the left.
  • Select “Settings” next to Add issues via email.
  • Select “Add an email address authorized to add issues” at the top.
  • Enter the email and a description.
  • Select the issue content settings. This includes any custom fields within the project.
  • Enter the security settings.
  • Select “Submit” to save.

Good to know

Email attachments are added when an issue is created. The number of attachments allowed per issue is based on your plan.

Manage authorized emails

Once an email’s been added to your authorized list, you can:

Copy an email using the clipboard icon.

For security reasons, you can reissue an email using the clipboard icon. This replaces the existing email and shouldn’t be shared with third parties to avoid spam. It should also be updated in your mailing system if needed.

Select the “x” in the “Delete” column to delete an authorized email from the list.

Track received emails

The “Received email log” tab displays all emails received in the last 30 days. 

Select an email from the list to see details including the issue key, when the email was received, and the original email.

If the issue registration fails, an icon is displayed. Select the email to see more details.

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