Backlog 101: Project settings

Project settings relate to projects in Backlog. To access project settings, select “Projects” in the global navigation and the cog icon for the project you want to view.

Accessible by admins and project admins only, these settings include:

  • General settings
  • Members 
  • Theme 
  • Issue types
  • Statuses
  • Categories
  • Versions/milestones
  • Custom fields
  • Integrations

General settings

General settings include:

  • Project name
  • Project key: Abbreviated project name used in issue keys.
  • Formatting rules: Choose between Backlog or markdown.
  • Enable priorities, versions, and milestones: Choose if you want to make these attributes visible on issue details pages.
  • Enable charts: Allows Gantt and burndown charts.
  • Enable subtasking: Allows child issues to be created.
  • Consider “Resolved” and later statuses as closed: With this selected, issues will be marked as “Closed” in the burndown chart.
  • Enable document: Allow documents to be created within the project.
  • Enable wiki: With the wiki enabled, you can choose to display the wiki tree and images in their original size.
  • Enable Subversion
  • Enable Git
  • Enable files: Choose to allow files in the project.
  • Allow project admins to manage each other
  • Archive this project: Remove the project from the dashboard.


Learn more about managing members and member settings.


Manage the project theme including:

  • Project icon: Choose from available icons or upload your own.
  • Project theme: Choose a color theme.
  • Header background image: Upload an image and set its position.
  • Header background color: Choose a color or enter a hex code.

Issue types

Manage issue types including:

  • Add an issue type using the button at the top.

  • Rearrange your list of issue types using drag-and-drop.
  • Edit an issue type by selecting it from the list.

  • See if an issue type has a registered template.
  • Delete an issue type by selecting the “x” next under the “Delete” column. If you’re deleting an issue type used in existing issues, select a different issue type to continue.

Organizations with Standard plans and above can create issue templates for specific issue types to ensure issues include the same information in the same format.  

Here are some examples of templates using markdown:

Bug template

## Outline of the bug

(If there is a test item in the specification, write what it can identify.)

## Reproduction method

(Reproduction procedure, write the procedure actually done.)

## Actual result

## Error log

Request template

## Request details

Specify the content of the request.

## Other (Please delete this section when adding assignments)

- Set up a person in charge.

- If multiple people are in charge, add a small task after setting up the person in charge.

- Set the expiration date.

User story template

## User story

(Example: As an administrator, I’m often not at my desk and want to be able to manage tasks and task types from the mobile application.)

## Specifications · Screen design

(If specifications and screen designs already exist, describe their URL, etc.)

## Acceptance test (administrator, project manager)

* [ ] The administrator can confirm the type of all tasks from the project settings.

* [ ] Administrators can edit all task types from project settings.

* [ ] Administrators can delete all task types from project settings.

* [ ] When deleting the type of task already set as an assignment, a screen allowing a new type to be replaced is displayed. (The type of task is a required field.)

* [ ] Administrators can add all task types from project settings.

## Acceptance test (general user, guest)

* [ ] General users can see all task types in project settings.

* [ ] General users can not add/edit/delete task types.

## Related tasks

- Add issue key here



Organizations with Starter plans and above can create up to eight custom issue statuses for specific projects. This is in addition to the default open, in progress, resolved, and closed statuses. 

On the statuses page, you can:

  • Add a custom status by selecting the button at the top of the screen. 


  • Edit a custom status by selecting it from the list.
  • Delete a custom status by selecting the “x” next under the “Delete” column. If you’re deleting a status used in existing issues, select a different status to continue.


  • Rearrange your list of custom statuses using drag-and-drop. The default “Open” is always at the top and “Closed” at the bottom.


Categories classify a project’s issues into groups. On the categories page, you can:

  • Add a category by selecting the button at the top of the screen. 
  • Edit a category by selecting it from the list.
  • Delete a category by selecting the “x” next under the “Delete” column. If you’re deleting a category used in existing issues, select a different category to continue.
  • Rearrange your list of categories using drag-and-drop. 


Versions and milestones can help plan upcoming releases. Milestones help focus on specific progress or tasks that, once achieved, are released and become a version in Backlog.

On the versions/milestones page, you can:

  • Add a version/milestone by selecting the button at the top of the screen. Set a start and end date to see the milestone status on the burndown chart on the project homepage. 

  • Edit a version/milestone by selecting it from the list.
  • Delete a version/milestone by selecting the “x” next under the “Delete” column. If you want to hide a completed or unavailable version/milestone instead, select it from the list and then select “Not shown on project home.” 

  • Rearrange your list of versions/milestones using drag-and-drop. 

Custom fields

Available with Premium and Enterprise plans, up to 100 custom fields can be added in addition to defaults including issue type, status, and category. There are five types of custom fields:

  1. Text: Single-line text box
  2. Sentence: Larger text box
  3. Number: Input field that can be set to a numeric range, default value, or specific units (meters, USD, etc.)
  4. List: Allows for selecting multiple values or a single value from a list
  5. Date: Input field to choose a date from a calendar or set a date range or default value.

On the custom fields page, you can:

  • Add a new custom field by selecting the button at the top of the screen.
  • Copy custom fields from other projects using the button on the far right. This doesn’t copy connections to issue types, which can be edited under “Applicable issue type” for the custom field.
  • Edit a custom field by selecting it from the list.
  • Delete a custom field by selecting the “x” next under the “Delete” column.

cust field1.png

cust field 2.png

Under '3.Details' the custom field can be set as a mandatory field.


On the integrations page, you can:

  • Integrate Backlog with webhook, other Nulab products (Cacoo, Nulab Pass), or third-party apps including Slack, Microsoft Teams, Box, Google Drive and Chat, OneDrive, Dropbox, and Chatwork. 
  • Sync your calendar with project milestones.
  • Add issues via email.
  • Set up bulk issue registration.
  • Use OpenAI to summarize issues.
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