You can manage shared project files and folders from the “Files” page.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to:
- Add a file or folder
- View file details
- Open a file or folder in your browser
- Rename a file or folder
- Move a file or folder
- Download a file or folder
- Delete a file or folder
Add a file or folder
On your project’s “Files” page, you can:
- Select “Add file” to add a file.
- Select “Add folder” to create a folder.
File size limits are based on your plan.
View file details
To view file details, click on the file name to see its size and when it was updated. You can also download, open, rename, or delete the file.
Open a file or folder in your browser
To open a file or folder in your browser:
- Select the file/folder.
- Select “Open in browser” to open it in a new tab.
- Enter your Backlog login info (required for first-time access). If you’re using two-factor authentication, enter the special password generated in your Backlog personal settings.
Rename a file or folder
You can rename one file or folder at a time. To do so:
- Check the box next to it in the files table.
- Select “Rename.”
- Update the name.
- Select “Rename.”
Move a file or folder
To move a file or folder:
- Check the box next to it in the files table.
- Select “Move.”
- Select the destination.
- Select “Move.”
Download a file or folder
You can download up to 500MB of files at once. To download more, connect your shared files to your computer.
To download a file or folder:
- Check the box next to it in the files table.
- Select “Download.”
Delete a file or folder
To permanently delete a file or folder:
- Check the box next to it in the files table.
- Select “Delete.”
- Select “OK” to confirm your choice.