Issue and comment editor

When registering an issue or inputting a comment, you can input text with the text editor provided in Backlog.

Issue editor

Here are some text editors you can use when adding a new issue description or editing the issue description. 

  • Mention (@)
    To notify members or teams about your issue, use the mention function (@username).

  • Emoticons
    To insert basic emoticons into your issue description.

  • Bold, Italic, Strike
    You can do basic text formatting with bold, italic, or strikethrough.
  • Bulleted List, Numbered List, Checklist
    Select any of the functions above to create a bulleted list, numbered list, or checklist in the issue description.
  • Table
    You can create a table using the table function, and the table format will be inputted directly in the description.

  • Quote, Code, Link
    You can quote a sentence, create code formatted text, or link text to a URL.
  • Formatting Rules (?)
    For comprehensive formatting rules, you can view them by clicking on the ? icon.

    Useful tip!

    Project formatting rules will be vary which can be set to “Markdown” or “Backlog” by the administrator or project administrator in the project settings.

  • Preview
    To preview your issue description before applying the changes or updates.

Comment editor

Here are some text editors you can use when adding a new issue description or editing the issue description. 

  • Mention (@)
    To notify members or teams about your updates, comment, or feedback, use the mention function (@username).

  • Emoticons
    To insert basic emoticons into your comment.

  • Bold, Italic, Strike
    You can do basic text formatting with bold, italic, or strikethrough.
  • Bulleted List, Numbered List
    Select any of the functions above to create a bulleted list or numbered list in the comment.

  • Quote, Code
    You can quote a sentence or create code formatted text.
  • Formatting Rules (?)
    For comprehensive formatting rules, you can view them by clicking on the ? icon.

    Useful tip!

    Project formatting rules will be vary which can be set to “Markdown” or “Backlog” by the administrator or project administrator in the project settings.

  • Preview
    To preview your comment before submitting them.
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