A project’s homepage overviews members, recent updates, issue status, and milestone progress.
Top navigation
Just below the global navigation, the top navigation is where you can:
- See a specific member’s profile by selecting their icon.
- Select the “+(number)” icon to see all project members.
- Select “Add members” to invite others to the project (only available to admins and project admins).
- Search for project issues.
Recent updates
See recent activity by all project members including:
- New issues
- Issue and wiki updates
- Comments
- Uploaded files
- Git or Subversion commit log
Only the last 50 activities are shown, and you can comment on or star activities using the icons.
You can also subscribe to RSS feeds of recent updates using the icon next to the “Recent updates” header. The RSS reader must work with an HTTPS connection, basic certification, and 2.0 format.
The “View options” button lets you filter the items shown in the recent updates feed.
Project progress
Get a quick overview of issue status and milestone status.
In the “Status” section, see how many issues are in each project phase. Select any of the statuses to be redirected to the filtered issues page.
Burndown charts (enabled in project settings) are shown for current milestones.
A summary of issue-based milestone progress is shown below the burndown charts and includes options to:
- Import milestones to your calendar using the calendar icon.
- Edit the version or milestone using the pen icon.
- View and add release notes by hovering over a specific milestone and selecting the notepad icon.
The “Category” section shows category-based issue progress. Select the pen icon to edit categories.