FAQs about plans

Paid plans can be cancelled or restarted at any time. Only plan admins can manage an organization’s plans. Cancelling your plan doesn’t delete your organization.

How do I cancel my plan?

Cancelling your plan takes effect with your next billing cycle. 

To cancel your Pro, Team, or Education plan:

  • Go to your organization settings and login with your Nulab Account.
  • Select your organization.
  • Go to the “Billing” tab.
  • Under “Plans,” find the plan you want to cancel.
  • Select “Cancel plan.”

To cancel your Legacy Plus plan:

Legacy Plus plans can be cancelled in Cacoo (credit card payments) or via Paypal depending on your payment method. Once your Legacy Plus plan ends, it can’t be restarted and will automatically be changed to the Legacy Free plan. See “How do I change my plan?” below for more information. 

To cancel in Cacoo:

  • Select your profile icon in the top navigation.
  • Select “Cacoo settings.”
  • In the “Plan” tab, select “Stop recurring payment.” 

If you created your account before June 27, 2018 and were paying with PayPal, learn how to cancel your automatic payments.

How do I restart my plan?

Once your Pro, Team, or Education plan is expired, you no longer have access to your account or diagrams. Restart your plan to regain access. 

To restart your plan:

  • Go to your organization settings and login with your Nulab Account.
  • Select your organization.
  • Go to the “Billing” tab.
  • Under “Plans,” find the plan you want to restart.
  • Select “Start subscription.”

I cancelled my Legacy Plus plan. How do I sign up for a new paid plan?

Once your Legacy Plus plan ends, it’s automatically changed to the Legacy Free plan. To sign up for a new paid plan using the same email:

  • Log into your Legacy Plus plan.
  • Sign up for the Pro, Team, or Education plan.
  • Migrate your diagrams to your new organization (they can’t be moved back).


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