How to collaborate with shared folders in Cacoo

Shared folders are a simple way to organize a project and collaborate with others. Shared folders are available to Team, Education, and Free plan members and to Legacy Plus and Legacy Free plan users. All Free plans are limited to one shared folder.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to:

  • Add shared folders and collaborators
  • Manage collaborator roles

Add shared folders and collaborators

To add a shared folder from the dashboard sidebar, select the “+” icon next to shared folder header.

Then, add collaborators using the “Add” button in the top-right corner of the folder view. A dialog will open prompting you to search members of your organization. Once added, collaborator icons appear in the top-right corner of the folder view.

If a collaborator is added as both an individual and part of a team, their individual collaborator role applies. If they’re added only as part of multiple teams, the highest collaborator role applies. 

Only folder admins and owners or members with owner privileges can add collaborators. Users that aren’t part of your organization can’t be added as collaborators, and guests can’t be folder admins. 

Uses with Legacy and single-user plans are prompted to invite collaborators by email.

To access the collaborators/permissions dialog:

  • Hover over the folder name in the sidebar.
  • Select the “...” icon.
  • Select “Permissions.”
  • Or, click on the collaborators’ icons in the top-right corner of the folder view.

Manage folder collaborator roles

When you add a collaborator, you’ll assign them one of three folder-specific roles:

Owner, which allows them to:

  • View, edit, delete, or change the owner of all diagrams in the folder (except diagrams they don’t own unless they’re also an organization admin).
  • Create new diagrams.
  • Change folder settings.
  • Delete the folder.
  • Add/remove folder collaborators.
  • Change folder collaborator roles.

Editor, which allows them to:

  • View and edit all diagrams in the folder.
  • Change the ownership of diagrams they created.

Viewer, which allows them to view any diagrams in the folder.

Learn more about managing access to shared folders.

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