How to create custom shapes in Cacoo

In addition to an extensive shapes library, Cacoo allows you to create and save your own shapes.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to:

  • Create a custom shape
  • Update a custom shape
  • Remove a custom shape from the library

Create a custom shape

To save a diagram as a custom shape: 

  • Open the diagram.
  • Add your custom shapes (one per sheet). To create different custom shape categories, use a different diagram for each one.
  • Click on the arrow next to the diagram name in the top navigation.
  • Select “Set diagram type.”
  • Select “Shape.”

  • Select the “Publish” button on the right side of the top navigation.

  • The custom shape will appear in the shapes library under “Custom shapes.” The diagram name will be the custom shapes category name, and the sheet name will be the shape name.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 12.06.19.png

  • In the dashboard, custom shape diagrams are labeled as “Shape.”

If your custom shape diagram is saved in a shared folder, all folder collaborators will have access to the shape in their library.

Update a custom shape

Changes to a custom shape can be saved by selecting the “Publish” button on the right side of the top navigation. Cacoo’s autosave function only applies to the diagram and doesn’t publish changes to the shapes library.

Remove a custom shape from the library

There are two ways to remove custom shapes from the shapes library:

  1. Archive the diagram.
  2. Change the diagram type to “Diagram” via the dropdown menu in the top navigation.


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