How to connect Slack with Backlog

Backlog is integrated with Slack via the Backlog app, and you can perform certain Backlog actions using commands in Slack. In order to use the command, you will need to add the Backlog app to the relevant channel or chat.

The commands you can use with the Backlog app are:

Command Action
/backlog add Add a new issue to your project on Backlog
/backlog link Manage linked Backlog projects or add new linked projects to receive notifications from
/backlog logout Log out from your account on Backlog

/backlog help

Show a list of available commands

/backlog settings

Receive personal notifications addressed to you

Add issue

There are three methods to add issues from Backlog to Slack. You can use the /backlog add command, the Add issue global shortcut or the Add issue message shortcut. 

When adding an issue, a dialog pops up. Select the project to add the issue to.

Did you know?

If a project's custom fields are set as required, it is not possible to add issues to that project via Slack.

After selecting the project, enter the issue details into the appropriate fields.

After issue details have been entered, select Add Issue. If there are no problems with the input, an issue will be added.

If the issue was added without any problems, a message will be sent from the Backlog app. To edit the issue further, click View issue in Backlog and the issue will be opened in Backlog.

Receiving notifications from Backlog

Use the /backlog link command to link a project from Backlog and start receiving notifications.

To link a new project, select a project from the project selection dropdown. The message will update and the newly linked project will appear in the list.

Unlink a project to stop receiving notifications from it. To unlink a project, click the Unlink button next to the project in the linked project list. The message will be updated and the unlinked project will no longer be shown in the list of linked projects.

Receive notifications addressed to you

You can receive notifications from Backlog as direct messages in the Backlog Slack app by following these steps:

  1. Type /backlog settings in the Slack message input field and send it.
  2. In the message that appears, click the Enable button to start receiving notifications.
  3. If you wish to stop receiving notifications, click the Disable button (this option will appear if notifications are currently enabled).

Once enabled, every time you receive a notification in Backlog, the Backlog app will send you a direct message in Slack.

Useful tip!

Users can only link projects that they are administrators of. Non-admin users will not see projects on the dropdown.


If the user is required to log in before performing an action, a login message is sent from the app.

Click Login and review the permissions needed to access information in the Slack workspace where the app is being used.

After clicking Allow, select the Backlog space to log in to. Input the required information and click Continue.

The app will ask for permission to access information in the Backlog space one more time. Click Allow to continue. At this point, if the authentication has finished without any problems, a success screen is shown. Authentication is now completed, and the user can close the screen.

After closing the success screen and returning to Slack, a private message from the Backlog app will be sent stating that the login was successful. 


View all commands that the app can handle directly within Slack by using the /backlog help command. The app will respond with all available commands along with an explanation of each of them.

The help message also contains buttons for Add issue and Manage linked project for easy access. It will also contain a link to the Help Center to view this page.


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