Troubleshooting Backlog Git errors

There are a few common error scenarios with Git. For those not addressed here, check out our full Git troubleshooting guide.

How to resolve failed authentication

If you get this error: 

fatal: Authentication failed for''

Check that the user ID and password are correct (they should be the same as your Backlog login details). If you’re using two-factor authentication, enter the special password generated in your Backlog personal settings.

How to resolve failed RPC

If you get this error: 

error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP / 2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1)


  • Upgrading your Git client
  • Running
$ git config --global http.version HTTP / 1.1 to specify HTTP / 1.1
  • Pushing with SSH instead of HTTPS
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