Pull requests

Pull requests propose that other developers partake in the changes to the branch.

With Backlog’s pull request, you can do the following:

  • Notify code additions and changes to the person in charge of reviewing and merging code, and also notify other members
  • Show the changed parts in the source code
  • Add comments to the code

View pull requests

  1. Click on Pull requests at the git repository browser to show the list of registered pull requests.
  2. By default, only "Open" pull requests are shown. To show "Closed" or "Merged" pull requests, filter requests by clicking and changing the Status.
  3. To search for a particular request, click on the magnifying glass icon and enter the keywords in the search field.

Add pull request

Click the + button at the Pull requests list to access the pull request form page.

Alternatively, you can add pull requests from the Branches tab or Compare branches and tags pages. 

  1. Select the target branch (the base or main branch) and the feature branch (i.e. the branch containing new changes to be merged) from the branch dropdown menus.

    When the target branch and the feature branch are selected, the updated commits and files (i.e. the diffs) will be shown at the bottom. Differences in binary data files, such as an updated PNG image, will not be shown.
  2. Enter the username of the person who will review and merge the pull request in the Assignee field. The assignee will receive a notification unless the user who added the pull request and the assignee are the same person.
  3. Select the Related issue for this pull request. This will link the pull request with the specific issue, and add a link to this pull request at the issue’s details page.
  4. To delete this branch, click the box for Delete branch… after the pull request is merged

Did you know?

  • The "Subject" field is required to be filled.
  • You can use @mentions in the description field to notify members or teams.

Include issue key in git branch name for automatic reference

When the feature branch’s name includes the issue key (e.g. issue key “DEV-3”) the issue's subject (e.g. “Add new menu button”) will be automatically added in the pull request’s “Subject” field, and the issue key will also be referenced in the "Related Issue" field. You can manually change this if necessary.

Edit pull request

To edit a pull request, select it from the list of pull requests to open its details, and click Edit.

You can then edit its details and click Save.

Useful tip!

Remember to close only the pull request itself, rather than deleting the feature branch that is associated with the pull request.

Did you know?

Once a pull request is created, the target branch (the base branch) and the feature branch for the pull request cannot be changed. If you need to change the target/feature branches, simply close the pull request and create a new one. 

Merge pull request

  1. To merge the pull request, click Merge on the pull request’s details page. The feature branch will be merged into the target branch (base branch).
  2. If the merge would yield a merge conflict, a warning message will be shown and you will not be able to merge the branches on Backlog.

Resolve pull request conflicts

Please resolve the conflict in your code editor and merge the branches on another tool or command terminal. Alternatively, you can push the resolved code to the branch again, and click Merge on the pull request in Backlog.

Close pull request

To close the pull request without merging the branches that were pull-requested, click Close.

A comment text field will open, and you can comment and notify members about closing the pull request.

To learn more about commenting on pull requests, refer to the Comment on pull requests support article. 

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