How to review commit history in Backlog

A repository’s commit history shows when a file was updated, who updated the file, and the commit message.

To access commit history:

  • Select the “Commits” tab on the repository details page.
  • Select the branch from the dropdown menu.
  • Select a commit to view its details.


Commit details include:

  1. Ability to copy the page link
  2. Author and date
  3. Message
  4. Ability to show differences
  5. Ability to view history
  6. Ability to open the file in your browser. If you’re using two-factor authentication, enter the special password generated in your Backlog personal settings.
  7. Ability to view the file to compare changes


In the “Network” tab, you can see a visual history of branch commits and merges in chronological order. 

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