Gantt chart overview

Gantt charts show issues/tasks as rectangular blocks on a timeline, making it easy for us to know the start and end dates of each issue.

On Backlog, Gantt charts show issues with their relevant information like assignee, start/due dates, status, and the display can also be customized according to grouping, span and status.

Did you know?

Gantt chart feature is only available to Standard plans and above. 

How to enable Gantt charts

To enable the use of Gantt charts, check the box for Enable charts when you create a new project, or go to the Project Settings > General, check the box for Enable charts, and click Submit.

Did you know?

By checking Enable charts, members will be able to input the start/due dates and estimated hours/actual hours for issues.

Displaying issues in the Gantt chart

In order for issues to display in the Gantt chart, issues require a start date, end date, or a milestone. Only issues that have at least one of these required information will be displayed in the chart.


Required info for issues to show in the Gantt chart

Issue has start/due dates

Issue has milestone with start/due dates

Issue shown in the Gantt chart?









Yes, it is grouped at the milestone’s due date.





Issues without start/due dates and milestones will not be shown in the Gantt chart.

Project Gantt chart display settings

The Gantt chart display can be changed according to the following four settings: 

  1. The Start Date allows you to set the start date of the timeline on the Gantt chart. Choose a date from the calendar as the start date, and click Change. If you click Today, the start date for the timeline will be today.

  2. Span refers to the timeline of the Gantt chart, and the available options are 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, or 6 Months from the Start Date.

  3. Grouping refers to how issues are grouped for display. For example, if you select Assignee, the issues in the Gantt Chart will be grouped and displayed by Assignee, including unassigned issues.

  4. Status determines that only issues with the selected status will be displayed on the Gantt chart. For example, Open will only show issues with Open status, All will show all issues, Not Closed will exclude closed issues, etc.

To hide the display settings, click the ^ symbol beside Gantt Chart. This will expand the display area for the chart.

When you select Parent issue under Grouping, the Gantt Chart will display child issues grouped by each separate parent issue. Other issues which are neither parent nor child issues will not be displayed.

Personal Gantt chart

Each member in the Backlog Space has a personal Gantt chart which displays the issues the member is working on or assigned to, across all projects.

To access your personal Gantt chart, select the profile icon located on the global navigation and select Gantt chart

The Grouping: Project option allows you to view issues grouped by their respective projects.

Useful tip!

You can also view other member’s personal Gantt charts. Go to global navigation, select more menu icon > Members. On the members page, hover to the member’s profile and select Gantt Chart

Did you know?

Similar to the project Gantt chart, only issues with start/due dates or milestone will be shown in the personal Gantt chart. 
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