Board overview

Each project has its own Kanban-style Board which helps you to visualize your workflow and work progress in a clear manner within the project. 

You can easily manage issue statuses by moving their Board cards to the respective status columns, and add new issues directly to the Board.

Board components

  1. Filters
    You can filter the Board view by Issue Type, Category, Milestone, or Assignee. To hide the filters, click on Hide Filters.

  2. Status columns
    Each column represents a different stage in your workflow. If you are using default statuses in Backlog, the Board’s columns will reflect the Open, In-Progress, Resolved, and Closed statuses.

    If you are using
    custom statuses within the project, the status columns will reflect them based on the status order you’ve set in the Project Settings. 

  3. Board cards
    Each card represents an issue. The card contains information about the issue such as issue key, subject, assignee, and due date. You can drag and drop cards to the respective status columns to change the issue’s status.

    You can also update the assignee by clicking the profile icon and setting the due date directly from the issue card. To copy the issue key, click on the clipboard icon.

  4. +Add Issue
    You can add a new issue to the project right from the Board by clicking on +Add Issue. See the support article on Add and edit issues with Board for more information.
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