How to update multiple issues at once in Backlog

To update multiple issues at once:

  • Go to the project’s “Issues” page.
  • Select the “Batch update” button above the table.

  • A new window will open with a list of all project issues.
  • Select an issue to see more details in the right-hand panel.

  • Check the box next to the issues you want to update.
  • Select “Edit selected issues” at the top to open the update screen.

  • Make any updates.
  • Select “Submit.”
Good to know
You can filter issues before selecting “Batch update” to narrow your selection.

To update multiple child issues at once:

  • Go to the parent issue details page.
  • Select the “Subtasking” tab.
  • Select “Batch update.”

  • A new window will open with a list of the parent and child issues.
  • Select “Edit selected issues” at the top to open the update screen.
  • Make any updates.
  • Select “Submit.”

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