How to notify members in Backlog

All members are automatically notified when they’re added to a project or an issue is assigned to them. You can also choose to notify specific members about a new or updated issue or comment. Notifications are sent within Backlog and via email if enabled in the member’s settings.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to:

  • Notify members
  • Track notifications given
  • Check your notifications

Notify members

There are two ways to notify members about issues or comments.

  1. Use the “Notify” or “Notify comment to” fields when adding or editing an issue or comment.

  1. Mention the member or team using @ + their username in the issue description or comment. Using @ + participants notifies all members who’ve previously been notified or work on the issue. Usernames appear alphabetically and are based on the issue’s creator or recent assignee or commenter.


To notify someone after you’ve posted a comment, select the “...” icon in the comment box and then “Notify comment to.”

If you mention a username that doesn’t exist or add the mention as quoted text, the username will appear as normal text instead of a mention.

Good to know
The @mention function works with your username (nickname for legacy users), which can be edited in your account profile (personal settings for legacy users). 

Track notifications given

Once you’ve notified a member, their profile icon appears in the comment section and will have a green checkmark once they’ve seen the update or comment in Backlog (not via email). Clicking on the profile icon or the @mention redirects you to the member’s activity page.

Check your notifications

You’re notified within Backlog when someone:

  • Notifies you in a comment
  • Notifies you when creating an issue
  • Adds you to a project
  • Assigns you an issue

To view your notifications, select the bell icon in the global navigation. You can filter by username or unread only. Selecting a specific notification will take you to that page. Notification status is indicated by color:

  • Yellow: New
  • Gray: Read
  • White: Unread


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