FAQs about inviting members

Only admins can invite new members, manage their roles, and add them to teams.

How do I invite members to my organization?

To invite members:

  • Click the “Invite members” button in the global navigation.
  • Enter the emails of the people you want to invite.
  • Set the role for each person.
  • Select “Invite.”

The people you invite have seven days to accept the invitation. They’ll appear in your organization’s members list with an icon that disappears once they accept the invitation.

Only admins can invite members using the “Invite members” button in the global navigation. Members with invite privileges can only send invites via organization settings.

How do I decide a member’s role?

Roles determine what privileges members have within your organization.

Administrators can manage folder and diagram access and ownership even if they’re not a folder collaborator or diagram owner.

Members can share diagrams in folders where they’re a collaborator.

Guests have the same privileges as members but they can’t be a folder admin or create folders.

How do I add members to a team?

Teams are used to manage multiple members together (e.g., sending invites, changing roles) and make it easier to share diagrams since team members have access to all their team’s folders.

If a collaborator is added as both an individual and part of a team, their individual collaborator role applies. If they’re added only as part of multiple teams, the highest collaborator role applies. 

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