How to manage access to shared folders in Cacoo

Manage who has access to your owned shared folders. 

In this guide, we’ll show you how to manage shared folder access for:

  • Free and Team plans 
  • Legacy Plus plan 

Free and Team plans

Free and team plan members can give access to their owned shared folders by adding collaborators. There are two ways to add collaborators from the dashboard:

  • Hover over the shared folder name in the sidebar.
  • Click on the “...” icon.
  • Select “Permissions.”
  • Or, select the shared folder in the sidebar.
  • Select the “Add” button on the top right of the current view.

Both of these will open a dialog where you can search for members to add as collaborators.

When adding a collaborator, you can assign them owner, editor, or viewer privileges. Privileges can be changed by hovering over a member’s name in the collaborators list and clicking on the downward arrow to open the menu.

In the “Permissions” tab, you can manage integrations and public sharing, which apply to people in and outside of your organization. 

Legacy Plus plan

Legacy Plus plan members can give access to their owned shared folders by inviting collaborators. To invite collaborators from the dashboard:

  • Hover over the shared folder name in the sidebar.
  • Click on the “...” icon.
  • Select “Share.”

This will open a dialog where you can invite collaborators via email and remove them by hovering over their name and clicking “Remove.” You can also change the folder owner by hovering over your name, clicking “Change owner,” and selecting a name from the list.

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