How to use charts in Cacoo

Cacoo offers 19 types of charts, from bar to scatter plot, that can be customized to enhance any presentation.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to:

  • Add charts
  • Input data
  • Edit charts
  • Customize charts
  • Migrate outdated charts

Add charts

To add a chart to your diagram, select the chart icon from the tool menu and then the type of chart you want to use. The chart will be added directly to your diagram.

Input data

There are two ways to input data into your chart.

To input data manually:

  • Select the chart.
  • Select the pencil icon from the editor menu to open the chart data table.
  • Double-click on any cell to edit the data.

You can also import data via Excel, CSV, or Google Drive.

To import data via Excel or CSV:

  • Select the chart.
  • Select the pencil icon from the editor menu to open the chart data table.
  • Select the import icon and then “Excel/CSV.”
  • Add your file and select “Import.”

To import data via Google Drive:

  • Select the chart.
  • Select the pencil icon from the editor menu to open the chart data table.
  • Select the import icon and then “Google Drive.”
  • Select the file from your Google Drive. Only spreadsheets can be imported.

Edit charts

There are a few ways to edit chart data. The available table settings depend on the type of chart you’re using.

In the chart data table, you can:

  1. Hide/unhide data.
  2. Manage rows and columns by right-clicking on the row/column title. 
  3. Reorder rows and columns by clicking on the row/column title and dragging it.
  4. Cut, copy, and paste cell data by right-clicking on the cell.
  5. Add rows and columns.
  6. Switch row and column data.

Directly in the chart, you can:

  1. Edit the chart header and axis titles by double-clicking on the text box.
  2. Edit series names and colors by clicking on the text or colored square in the legend.
  3. Edit text styles by clicking on the chart and hovering and clicking on any text box to open the editor menu.
  4. Change the location of the legend by clicking on the chart and hovering and clicking on the legend to open the editor menu.

Customize charts 

In addition to inputting your own data, you can customize the look of your chart in a few different ways. The available chart settings and editor options depend on the type of chart you’re using.

To access the chart settings, click on the chart and select the settings, or cog, icon. From the panel, you can: 

  • Change the chart type to another compatible style.
  • Change the color palette.
  • Show/hide the x and y axes and their titles and values.
  • Set the minimum/maximum for chart values.
  • Show/hide the header, grid, and legend.

To access the chart editor, click on the chart. From the menu, you can: 

  1. Edit the corner radius; the higher the number, the more curved the chart’s corner.
  2. Smooth chart lines.
  3. Show/hide plot lines.
  4. Show/hide value labels.
  5. Edit the fill color and opacity by clicking on the bar/section.
  6. Edit the line style and color by clicking on the line.
  7. Access more options.

Migrate outdated charts

Cacoo charts were updated in May 2022, and charts added before that time are no longer editable unless they’re migrated.

To migrate an outdated chart:

  • Double-click the chart to open the “Migrate as new chart” panel.
  • Select “Migrate my chart.”

The “Keep copy of legacy chart” is selected by default and allows you to keep a copy of the outdated chart. Deselecting it means the outdated chart will be removed. If you change your mind, you can select “Back to legacy” in the chart settings panel immediately after the migration. This option isn’t available after reloading or closing the diagram.

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