How to use sticky notes in Cacoo

Sticky notes are a great way to collaborate, collect feedback, and highlight important information. 

In this guide, we’ll show you how to:

  • Add sticky notes
  • Edit sticky notes
  • Show/hide sticky note authors
  • Create Backlog issues from sticky notes

Add sticky notes

To add a sticky note:

  • Select the sticky note icon from the tool menu on the left side of your diagram.
  • Select the color for your note.
  • Write your note. Use “Shift” + “Enter” to start a new line.
  • Post your note by selecting “Post” or pressing “Enter.”
  • Add as many notes as you want. When you’re done, close the sticky note or click anywhere in the diagram.
  • Cancel your note by closing the sticky note before posting it or clicking anywhere in the diagram.
  • Delete a posted sticky note by selecting and deleting it.

To add multiple notes:

  • Create a 2x2 or larger table.
  • Add the text for each sticky note into the cells.
  • Copy the cells with “Ctrl” + “C” and paste with “Ctrl” + “V”.
  • Select the “Convert to sticky notes” dialog.

Edit sticky notes

Posted sticky notes function the same as shapes and icons. To edit the color or style of a sticky note, select it to open the editor menu.

Show/hide sticky note authors

You can show/hide an author's name before or after posting a sticky note.

Before posting a sticky note, deselect the “Show my name” checkbox.

After posting a sticky note, anyone with edit permission can show or hide the author’s name. Select the sticky note to open the editor menu, and then select or deselect the author icon. The author will be the person who most recently edited the note.

Create Backlog issues from sticky notes

If your organization is subscribed to both Cacoo and Backlog, you can create Backlog issues directly from sticky notes.

To create a single issue:

  • Select the sticky note to open the editor menu.
  • Select “Create Backlog issue.”
  • Select the Backlog project from the dropdown menu. Only projects you belong to will appear.
  • Complete the “Type,” “Assigned to,” and “Subject” fields. 
    • Default assignee: Sticky note author 
    • Default subject: Sticky note text
  • Select “Create issue.”
  • The issue is linked via the Backlog icon on the bottom right of the sticky note.

Good to know

Backlog issues can’t be created from blank sticky notes or those posted before August 23, 2023.

To create multiple issues:

  • Select multiple sticky notes to open the editor menu.
  • Select “Create Backlog issue.”
  • Select the Backlog project and issue type. Only projects you belong to will appear, and assignees and subjects are set to their defaults (sticky note author and text).
  • Select “Create issue.”
  • The issue is linked via the Backlog icon on the bottom right of the sticky note.

To unlink a Backlog issue:

On the sticky note, select the Backlog icon and then the trash can icon.

Or, select the sticky note to open the editor menu, select the Backlog icon, and then “Remove” next to the link.

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