Nulab 101: Managed Accounts

Managed Accounts are managed by the organization admin and allow members to log into all their products using single sign-on (SSO). These accounts are only available with a Nulab Pass plan and are different from non-Managed Accounts (Nulab Accounts).

For admins, members with Managed Accounts have a label under their name on the “Members” page of organization settings. Members see “This account is managed by (organization name)” at the top of their account profile.

Managed vs. non-Managed Accounts

All Nulab Accounts fall into two categories:

Managed Account Non-Managed Account
Managed by the admin Managed by the member
Log in using SSO Log in with email and password
Only admins can delete accounts Members can delete their own account
User provisioning available User provisioning unavailable

Two-factor authentication is not applied to Managed Accounts but can be set up in your identity provider.

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