How to synchronize CloudGate UNO with Managed Accounts

Learn how to set up user provisioning in CloudGate UNO to synchronize with your Nulab Managed Accounts. To enable user provisioning, enable it in your organization’s Nulab settings and set up SAML authentication in CloudGate UNO.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to:

  • Configure CloudGate UNO
  • Add Managed Accounts
  • Delete Managed Accounts
  • Stop user provisioning

Configuring CloudGate UNO

There are several steps to configure CloudGate UNO for user provisioning.

  1. Add Nulab Pass as a service provider

    1. Log in to the CloudGate UNO admin site.
    2. Select Settings > Service providers.
    3. Select “Add service provider.”

  1. Enter “Nulab” in the search field and select “Search.”

  1. Select “Add” to add Nulab.
  2. Enter a display name and select “Add.”

  1. Select the “Provisioning settings” tab and enter the following:
    1. Provisioning method: SCIM 2.0
    2. Base URI: SCIM URL issued during Nulab user provisioning setup
    3. OAuth bearer token: SCIM token issued during Nulab user provisioning setup

  1. Under “Connection test,” select “Test” and wait for “Test succeeded” to appear.
  2. Select “Save.”
  1. Set up mapping
    1. Select Account management > Users.
    2. Select the “Custom fields” tab.
    3. Add the following fields:
      1. Field ID: NULAB_ROLE, Field name: nulab-role, Value type: SINGLE
      2. Field ID: NULAB_LOCALE, Field name: nulab-locale, Value type: SINGLE
      3. Field ID: NULAB_TIMEZONE, Field name: nulab-timezone, Value type: SINGLE
    4. Select Settings > Service providers.
    5. Select “Edit” next to Nulab.
    6. Select the “Provisioning settings” tab.
    7. Select “Add” under “Target and mapping” and add the following:
      1. CloudGate UNO: Display name > NulabPass: displayName
      2. CloudGate UNO: nulab-role > NulabPass: roles
      3. CloudGate UNO: nulab-locale > NulabPass: locale
      4. CloudGate UNO: nulab-timezone > NulabPass: timezone
    8. Select “Save.”
  2. Start provisioning
    1. Select Settings > Service providers.
    2. Select “Edit” next to Nulab.
    3. Select the “Provisioning settings” tab.
    4. Under “Target and mapping, “toggle “Account provisioning” on.

  1. Select “Save.”
  1. Configure user deletion and deactivation
    1. Select Settings > Service providers.
    2. Select “Edit” next to Nulab.
    3. Select the “Provisioning settings” tab.
    4. Under Target and mapping > “When service account provider is deleted,” select either:
      1. Suspend: The Nulab Managed Account is suspended when the user is deleted in CloudGate UNO.
      2. Delete: The Nulab Managed Account is deleted when the user is deleted in CloudGate UNO.
    5. Select “Save.”

Good to know

If you deactivate a Managed Account using CloudGate UNO, it can’t be reactivated. If you need to re-link the account, delete the existing Managed Account and add a new one.

Add Managed Accounts

Here’s how to add a Managed Account via user provisioning in CloudGate UNO:

  • Select Account management > Users.
  • In the “Users” tab, select “Create.”
  • Enter the user’s information:
    • General information
      • Display name: Username for the Managed Account
  • User ID: User ID for logging into CloudGate UNO
  • Password: Password for logging into CloudGate UNO.
  • Custom fields:
    • nulab-role: User role (admin, user, or guest)
    • nulab-locale: Language (JA or EN)
    • nulab-timezone: Timezone 
  • Service:
    • Service: Select “NulabPass.”
    • Account ID: Account email (can’t be changed later)
  • Select “Save.”

Good to know

An existing Managed Account can’t be linked with a CloudGate UNO user. To link them, delete the existing Managed Account and add a new one.

Update Managed Accounts

Here’s how to update a Managed Account via user provisioning in CloudGate UNO: 

  • Select Account management > Users.
  • Select the account you want to update from the list of users.
  • Make any changes.
  • Select “Save.”

Delete Managed Accounts

To delete a Managed Account from both CloudGate and Nulab, set “Action on service account deletion” to “Delete” in the CloudGate UNO settings. 

  • Select Account management > Users.
  • Select the account you want to delete from the list of users.
  • Select “Delete.”

To delete a Managed Account from Nulab only: 

  • Select Account management > Users.
  • Select the account you want to delete from the list of users.
  • In the “User settings” tab, uncheck Nulab Pass under “Service”
  • Select “Save” to delete the account from Nulab.

Stop user provisioning

To stop user provisioning in CloudGate UNO:

  • Select Settings > Service providers.
  • Select “Edit” next to Nulab.
  • Select the “Provisioning settings” tab.
  • Under “Target and mapping,” toggle “Account provisioning” to “Off.”
  • Select “Save.”

Good to know

To stop user provisioning, you also need to update it in your organization settings.

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