Changing an account type

Types of accounts

Nulab offers non-Managed (Nulab) and Managed Accounts, and you can switch between the two types if needed. The main differences are that Managed Accounts allow members to log into all of their organizations using SSO and their profiles can be edited by administrators.

Change a non-Managed Account to a Managed Account

1. Go to the Members screen

On the Members screen under organization settings, select “Change other accounts.” Note that only admins can change account types and the option is not available if your Nulab Pass subscription or trial is expired or suspended.

2. Select accounts to change

Select accounts to change by clicking on the checkbox next to their name. There’s no limit to the number of accounts you can change at one time. Accounts that have already been changed to Managed Accounts or those that don’t have the verified domain’s email address are automatically excluded from the options.

3. Confirm change

Select “Change account.” You’ll then see a message confirming the change is underway.

Change a Managed Account to a non-Managed Account

1. Go to the Members screen

On the Members screen under organization settings, select “Edit” next to the account you want to change.

2. Select "More options" and "Change account type"

3. Confirm change

After selecting “Change account,” you’ll see a message confirming the change.

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