GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories provided by GitHub, Inc. Using Typetalk's GitHub integration feature, you can receive the following Github event notifications in your Typetalk topics:
- Issue
- Pull request
- Commit
- Comment
- Wiki
Add GitHub integration
To use the GitHub Webhook, you must be a GitHub Organization owner or repository administrator and have topic-editing privileges, e.g., a Typetalk administrator or member (excluding guests). Please follow the steps below:
- In Typetalk, select the Topic Settings from the topic menu in a topic.
- Select the Integrations tab.
- Click Add button beside Github in the list of integrations.
- Click the Authenticate your GitHub account button.
- You will be redirected to GitHub, where you will authenticate Typetalk with GitHub.
- Allow authentication, and you will be returned to Typetalk.
- Select a GitHub repository to be linked and select the event notifications you wish to receive.
- Finally, click the Integrate button.
Useful tip
Typetalk remembers your GitHub credentials for about 1 hour. If you have integrated with the wrong GitHub account, please wait one hour until the credentials are forgotten before trying to integrate again.Delete GitHub integration
- In Typetalk, select the Topic Settings from the topic menu in a topic.
- Select the Integrations tab.
- Click on the setting icon at the linked GitHub integration you wish to delete.
- Click on Delete this integration permanently.