Integrate GitHub event notifications

GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories provided by GitHub, Inc. Using Typetalk's GitHub integration feature, you can receive the following Github event notifications in your Typetalk topics:

  • Issue
  • Pull request
  • Commit
  • Comment
  • Wiki

Add GitHub integration

To use the GitHub Webhook, you must be a GitHub Organization owner or repository administrator and have topic-editing privileges, e.g., a Typetalk administrator or member (excluding guests). Please follow the steps below:

  1. In Typetalk, select the Topic Settings from the topic menu in a topic.
  2. Select the Integrations tab.
  3. Click Add button beside Github in the list of integrations.
  4. Click the Authenticate your GitHub account button.
  5. You will be redirected to GitHub, where you will authenticate Typetalk with GitHub.
  6. Allow authentication, and you will be returned to Typetalk.
  7. Select a GitHub repository to be linked and select the event notifications you wish to receive.
  8. Finally, click the Integrate button.

Useful tip

Typetalk remembers your GitHub credentials for about 1 hour. If you have integrated with the wrong GitHub account, please wait one hour until the credentials are forgotten before trying to integrate again.

Delete GitHub integration

  1. In Typetalk, select the Topic Settings from the topic menu in a topic.
  2. Select the Integrations tab.
  3. Click on the setting icon at the linked GitHub integration you wish to delete.
  4. Click on Delete this integration permanently.
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