Link Typetalk tags and Backlog issues

Easily track comments and changes regarding Backlog issues using the #Tag feature in Typetalk! Here’s how:

  1. Select the Typetalk messages you want to use to create a new Tag.
  2. Click ‘Create a Backlog Issue’ at the top of the topic feed.
  3. A dropdown menu will appear for you to input your Backlog Space URL, Project Name and Subject (Issue Name). Click Post.
  4. The Backlog sign in page will open in a new window if you are not already signed in. Sign in using your credentials. Click Post.
  5. The Backlog ‘Add Issue’ page will open for you to add an issue as you normally would. You will notice that the Tag’s URL is embedded in Backlog’s Description text box for easy reference.

Once you have added the issue to Backlog, return to Typetalk and open the Tag dropdown menu. You will see that a new Tag has been added with the new Backlog issue title that you just created.

All messages added to the Tag will automatically be added to the Backlog issue. Creating Tags for Backlog issues not only keeps you up-to-date with that issue, but also allows you to discuss progress with your team in real-time!

Did you know?

The ‘Create a Backlog issue’ feature is not available for direct/private messages. It can only be used for messages within topics.
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