Overview of Backlog card

If you’re a Typetalk user who also takes advantage of Nulab’s awesome project management app, Backlog, our latest feature is just for you. Backlog Cards give you easier access to your project management details without ever having to leave Typetalk.

Now, when you post a link to a Backlog issue or comment in Typetalk, your teammates can hover over that link to see a preview card with details including the:

  • Issue title & description
  • Project Key & link
  • Issue status
  • Info about the issue creator and date of creation

How can you use Backlog Cards?

Backlog Cards work for the following URL message formats:

  • Issue URLs
    https://[space id].backlog.com/XXXX-0000
  • Comment URLs
    https://[space id].backlog.com/XXXX-0000#comment-0000000000
  • Issue Keys

To view Backlog Cards in your Typetalk Topics, your Backlog Space Owner just needs to enable single sign-on from Nulab Accounts.

Enabling Nulab Account Sign-in for Backlog

To enable single sign-on using a Nulab Account, have your Backlog Space Administrator visit their Space Settings page, and select “Permit Nulab Account login.” 

Second, Backlog users must connect their Nulab Account on their personal Settings page. 

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