Notify members

Send notifications to an individual in the topic

You can use the (@) function to notify an individual about your message. This is useful if you wish to let an individual be aware or check your message quickly.

If the notifications setting is turned on, the user who gets mentioned will receive a notification on their desktop or push notifications if they’re using the Typetalk mobile application.

You can check or review old notifications at any time by clicking the notification icon (bell icon). When there are incoming new notifications or unread notifications, a teal-colored dot will be reflected beside the icon.

@ button

Click the @ button next to the message input field, and a @ syntax will appear followed by a pop up of the user list. Select the user you wish to notify or if you know the username, you can filter the list by entering the username in the message input field.

Mention syntax

Type a “@” character in the message input field and a user list will pop up. Select the user you wish to notify or if you know the username, you can filter the list by entering the username in the message input field.

Reply menu

To reply to the user with the mention and message thread function, you can select the “...” button beside the message you wish to reply, and select “@ Reply”.

Send notifications to all members in the topic

You can use the mention (@) function to send notifications to all members in a topic. In such a case, you can notify all members in the following way.

Using @all

If you include @all in the message, you can notify all members participating in the topic.

Useful when:

  • Sending important news from the company to all employees
  • Sharing project success with team members

Using @here

If you include @here in the message, you can notify only those who are online with in the topic.

Useful when:

  • Immediately before the welcome party, you want to tell all team members that you want them to finish their work
  • Getting help from available members during the lunch break or off-hours

Did you know?

When used in topics with more than 6 people, a warning message will be displayed to prevent accidentally sending notifications to many users.

@all and @here mentions are not for notifying a specific person. If you need an individual to respond to your message, please use mention @ followed by their name in Typetalk (e.g. @name or @john).

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