
We offer Jenkins integration which helps you easily integrate Backlog with Jenkins. 

Please refer to this page for the full details of the integration guide.


Link to Backlog space on navigation menu

This plugin adds a link to your Backlog Space or project to the navigation menu on the left of the Job page.

Convert issue notation to link for an issue

In the "Changes" section, this plugin converts the issue notation of Backlog (like BLG-123, shown in the following example) found in your commit message to link for an issue on your Backlog space.

Fixed Bug [[BLG-123]]
Fixed Another Bug ( BLG-123 )

Link to Backlog repository browser

This plugin adds changeset diff links to the "Summary" section on the "Changes" page. (now supporting Subversion and Git SCM)

Create issue on Backlog

This plugin creates an issue on Backlog when the build fails or becomes unstable.

Publish files to Backlog

This plugin publishes build artifacts to Backlog File which is shared storage for Backlog users.

Notify build result to Backlog pull request

This plugin notifies a build result to Backlog pull request.

Multibranch pipeline for Backlog pull request

This plugin support multibranch for Backlog pull request ( like GitHub Branch Source Plugin ). You can see each pipeline according to each pull request.

Add security realm by Backlog user

This plugin enables you to log in to your Jenkins through authentication via  Backlog user account.

Did you know?

We continuously update the integration. Please refer to the change log for the release notes. 
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