Register SSH public key or API key

Register SSH public key

To access the Git repository via SSH, your SSH public key needs to be registered in your Backlog personal settings.

For authentication, SSH keys operate in pairs: a private key which is saved in your local computer, and a public key registered in Backlog. Based on your operating system and preferred SSH client, you can create your SSH key pair using your computer.

Paste your SSH public key information by going to Personal settings > Register SSH public key, and click Submit.

API settings

You can generate an API key from your personal settings page for using the Backlog API version 2. This setting helps to identify and check whether a specific user has been granted access to call the API. 

For non-developers, one of the commonly used scenarios is when performing Bulk issues registration via Google Sheet

You can add a memo and click Submit to generate a new API key. Memo helps you to differentiate different API keys and their usage. 

All the registered API key will be reflected on this page. To copy the API key, click on the clipboard icon and to remove the unused API key, select the x button

Useful tip!

Backlog offers Developer API. You can learn more about Backlog API from this page.
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