Backlog Git SSH key fingerprints

Backlog Git SSH public key fingerprints can be used to verify connections, which helps protect your communication from spoofing, eavesdropping, or tampering by malicious third parties on your network. 

Below are the fingerprints of the Backlog SSH host’s key for the respective Backlog domains. They are displayed for confirmation when you connect to the Git repository in Backlog for the first time.

SHA256:w1Lng4UpfjBOloZubOkoIusr/eYXc6lBfxcaLlogfI0 (RSA)
SHA256:E6NTT1A1jvvgei4BLRD4O7cLPzBZjnIMJryC3JrOdx4 (ECDSA)
SHA256:vn0Iu2jrdSZZalB/VFEvrBSHYKig1KqsRSqU4HOdkDc (Ed25519)

SHA256:vUgu+kx0TNpk/3Za77SIWd/+3nNsamN/C/+ncbV/20g (RSA)
SHA256:M84ONmM/9bPog2blAZi7aiJ9/vpjNaCLsCqu61gnm6Q (ECDSA)
SHA256:S+rudHUgqeXOctYndOfk00EPe3oBTrFrklXb0wUvO3U (Ed25519)

SHA256:k2BHOprr/aZuR9+o8w8lprARH8R8myxv/76VGUUxEB0 (RSA)
SHA256:4sOD8NibICvJ6R/WyM7VfNPvXmfTksVMWg9IsnznAD8 (ECDSA)
SHA256:4lgwdzpzNRgfOzpOdcXeH0r5cWJdLAwGA2y7wGVGptM (Ed25519)
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