Git settings
Repositories can be added, edited, or deleted on the Git settings page. You can also manage the Git webhook URL for each repository.
How to access Git settings
To access Git settings, go to Project settings > Git.
Did you know?
Only project administrators can access the Git settings in the project.
At the Git Settings > Repositories tab, you can Add Repository, Edit an existing repository, or click on the Clipboard icon to copy the repository’s HTTPS/SSH URL address.
Connect issue references and log keywords
At the Settings tab, click the box to enable Connect issue references and log keywords and Submit. This is so that when members include an issue key in the Git commit message, the message will be automatically posted as a comment on the respective issue.
Disable Git in the project
Click Disable Git to stop using Git on the Project.
Important: When you disable Git, all Git repositories for that project will be deleted, and the data in the repositories will also be deleted.
Create a Git repository
To create a repository on Backlog, go to Project settings > Git settings, and click Add Repository.
After entering the repository name and description, click Create Repository.
The webhook URL field is used to enter a URL address for sending data towards when the git repository experiences a git push. For more information, see the Git webhook [link to Git webhook] support article.
Edit or delete a Git repository
To edit a repository, go to Project settings > Git settings, and click Edit next to the repository you wish to edit.
Then, you can click on Update Repository or Delete This Repository, depending on your desired action.
Change default branch for Git repository
To set another branch as the default branch, you can select the drop-down menu on the Default branch section and select a branch to set as the default branch.
Did you know?
If you click on Delete This Repository, a browser prompt will popup to confirm your action. Deleting the repository will delete all data in it and this action cannot be undone.