Wiki editor and formatting rules

Wiki editor and formatting rules

The wiki content editor allows you to easily style and format your text for wiki pages, as well as insert links, tables, emoticons, and more.

Here are the functions in the editor:

  1. Add link to another wiki page
    Click to select another wiki page in the project and add a link to it at the current cursor position.

  2. Copy another wiki page
    Click to select another wiki page and copy its contents to the current cursor position.

  3. Emoticons
    Click to select emoticons and insert their formatted text.

  4. Bold
    To style text in bold font.

  5. Italic
    To style text in italics.

  6. Strike
    To style text in strikethrough.

  7. Bulleted List
    To insert or add a bulleted list to selected lines.

  8. Numbered List
    To insert or add a numbered list to selected lines.

  9. Table
    To add a sample table.

  10. Quote
    To style selected text in quote format.

  11. Code
    To style selected text in code block format.

  12. Link
    To add a link to a webpage or selected URL address text.

  13. Insert File
    To insert an attached file on the wiki page as a file link or displayed image.

  14. Cacoo
    Click to enter a Cacoo diagram URL in order to embed it on the wiki page.

Formatting Rules

While you are creating or editing a wiki page, the wiki sidebar on the right shows the Formatting Rules.

To display the rules in full, click more… and the rules will be listed in a modal. To close the modal, click X.

Did you know?

You can choose to use either Markdown or Backlog formatting rules for your project at the project settings. See the Create project and manage general settings support article.
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