Manage issues within Gantt chart

Edit issues on Gantt Chart

While reviewing the timeline of the issue in the project Gantt chart, It is easy to edit issues directly on the Gantt chart.

Below are the edit functions you can perform within the project Gantt chart.  

  1. Edit assignee and start/due date
    Click the Edit button to edit the assignee and start/due dates. After editing, click Edit Done to update the issues or Cancel if you decide not to update them.

  2. Drag and drop issue blocks to adjust issue timeline
    Alternatively, you can adjust an issue's start/due dates by clicking and dragging its endpoints on the timeline. You can also drag and move the issue block along the timeline without changing its duration. 

  3. View and edit issue details
    To view and edit the issue details, click on the issue subject or block to redirect to the issue page or open a pop-up window. Then, you can click Edit to edit details, add comments, or update the issue’s status.

To view the entire timeline of the Gantt chart, you can scroll left or right,  or drag the chart’s background.

Did you know?

Functions one and two — edit assignee and start/due date, and drag and drop issue blocks functions are not available in the personal Gantt chart. 

Export Gantt chart to Excel

To export the Gantt chart, click Export Excel, and the Gantt chart that is currently displayed will be downloaded as an Excel file.

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