You can update multiple issues at a time with the batch update function.
Batch update multiple issues
To update multiple issues at a time, select the Batch Update on the Issue page.
After clicking the Batch Update, it will navigate you to the batch update page with the list of the issues. You can review the issue details on the right side of the preview panel. If the preview panel is unnecessary, you can hide it by clicking the arrow key button from the top right corner.
Select multiple issues you wish to update on this page by checking the check box beside the issue and select Edit selected issues. An update screen will prompt. Edit the details of the issue and click Submit to apply the update at once.
Useful tip!
For easy review and update the list of issues, you can filter the issue based on your preference with the search conditions. By filtering, it will only reflect the filtered issue on the batch update page.Batch update child issue
Besides batch updates on multiple issues from the issue page, you can also batch update child issues all at once on the registered parent issue page.
On the Subtasking section, select Batch Update, which will navigate you to the bach update page.
The parent and child issue will be shown in the batch update list. Select the issues you wish to update on this page by checking the check box beside the issue and select Edit selected issues. An update screen will prompt. Edit the details of the issue and click Submit to apply the update at once.