Export a topic or direct message

Export a topic or direct message

You can export data on topics in which you participate or direct messages with members.

This feature is available for all plans.

Note: This feature is only available for Administrators and Members.


You can export topic or DM data by following these steps

  1. Open the topic or DM you want to export.
  2. Click the Topic Menu "..." button on the far right of the topic bar, then click Export.

Downloading will begin when the export is ready.

Export file format

The data to be exported consists of a single zip-compressed file. The zip file contains the following four CSV files.

  • topic.csv (not included in DM)
  • messages.csv
  • tags.csv
  • members.csv
  • attachments.csv

The zip file name is in the format "Topic ID - Topic Name". If some symbolic characters not allowed in your operating system (e.g. / ? <) are used in the topic name, they will be replaced by an underscore (_).


Contains data about the topic itself.

Column Description
Topic ID Identify the topic.
Topic name Name given to the topic.
Topic description Description of the topic.
Archive state

Topic archive status

(*) Archived topics are marked as "Archived”.

Creation date and time Date and time the topic has been created.
Last posted date and time Last date and time member posted a message to the topic.
Author ID Unique ID of the topic author.
Author Nulab ID ID inside the system that identifies the topic creator.
Author email Email address of topic author


Contains message data posted to the topic.

Column Description
Topic ID Identify the topic.
Post ID Identify the message.
Contributor ID Unique ID of the message author.
Contributor name Account name of the message author.
Posted message Posted message to the topic
Post date and time Date and time the message has been posted.


Contains data about the summary created on the topic.

Column Description
Topic ID Identify the topic.
Tag ID Identify the tag.
Tag name Name given to the tag.
Post ID Post ID of the message with tag



Contains account data participating in the topic.


Column Description
Topic ID Identify the topic.
Account ID Unique ID of the account.
Account Nulab ID ID inside the system that identifies the account.
Account name Account name
Mail address Email address of the account



Contains data related to the files attached to the topic.


Column Description
Topic ID Identify the topic.
Post ID Post ID of the message with the file attached
File name Attached file name
File URL (Web)

URL to access the attached file

(*) Access is allowed only while authenticated in the web app

File URL (API)

URL to access the attached file

※ Access is allowed only when authorized by a bot or OAuth client.


Unable to unzip the downloaded zip

If you unzip a zip file with a long topic name, it may exceed the OS path length limit and cannot be unzipped. Move to a higher-level directory and extract the file, or shorten the long topic name and rerun the export.

Export other data

In addition to this, the following data export functions are available

For administrators

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